PS 181 Q
The Brookfield School
Dr. Lisette Olivo, Principal

Michael Brown, Asst. Principal
Out Of Many, One People
Phone: 718-528-5807
148-15 230 Street Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
Fax: 718-723-7825
Please call the school directly at 718-528-5807 (ext. 0) to inform us of any daily changes regarding absences, dismissal instructions, busing or after-school changes for a particular day. Messages to this email are checked daily during school hours, Monday- Friday from 8 a.m. - 2:40pm.
After an absence and on the first day back to school, a note signed by a parent, detailing the reason for the absence, should be given to the child’s teacher.
If your child contracts a serious illness or sustains an injury necessitating a cast, boot, sling etc., please contact the school nurse to discuss alternative arrangements to accommodate your child.
Absences will be coded as excused if we receive proper documentation.
Extended Vacation
Vacation Form (please embed attach form)
Pupil lateness and absence directly affect the quality of class work and homework. Please consider this when planning family vacations. An extended absence before or after a school break is considered unauthorized. Your child’s permanent record reflects all absences.
Our school hours are 8:20 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.
School starts at 8:20 a.m. Children in grades 3K-5 who arrive at school after 8:35 a.m are considered late. Please cooperate by having your child arrive on time. A major factor in determining your child’s success in school is attendance. Work begins promptly after arrival, so lateness means your child misses critical instruction and also disrupts the teacher and other students as work begins.
Students in Grades 3K-K who have not been picked up will be brought to the late pick up room 141. Those students attending our after school program or going to an outside after school program will gather in the gym or cafeteria for pick up.
Classroom Concerns
If questions arise concerning any aspect of the school or class program, send a note or email your child’s teacher requesting a conference. All teachers have email addresses which are posted on the school website He/she will make an appointment with you either before school begins or during a scheduled preparation period. If you come to the school without an appointment, the teacher may not be able to accommodate.
Additionally, parents may not request to go to the classroom while the teacher is teaching. After you have communicated with the teacher and you feel that the issue has not been resolved, please contact our Assistant Principal. If the matter is still unresolved please contact our principal for further assistance.
Picking up your child early
If you need to pick up your child early due to illness, doctor’s appointment, etc. you must bring a picture I.D. to be presented to the Security Agent.
Your child will be released only to individuals whose names appear on the blue EMERGENCY CONTACT CARD. This is a legal document and it is for your child’s safety. Please complete the front and back of both of the cards. One will be kept in our Main Office and one is for the classroom teacher. Include the name of relatives/friends who are responsible and dependable. Also provide at least one working cell phone number and email address so that you can be reached immediately in the event of an emergency.
If you need to change dismissal arrangements on a particular day, we must have a written note, in advance, from you or a phone call directly to the school.
Teachers may never administer medication to a student, nor can students self-medicate. If your child needs to take medication during the school day, you may come into school to give your child the medicine yourself. If your child needs medication on a regular basis, your doctor needs to complete a “504” Form, which is available from the school nurse. When the school nurse receives this form, she can then administer the medication. All medicines must come into school in a labeled container from the pharmacy. Medications will be stored in the nurses’ office.
Security Procedures
We are interested in maintaining the safest possible environment for our students and staff. Until further notice, the following security procedures are in effect at our school:
Visitors may not go directly to any classroom, office or any area of the building without authorization.
All visitors must:
Enter and exit through the Main Entrance.
Present PHOTO IDENTIFICATION to the School Safety Agent or designee at Security Desk.
Complete the DOE health screener and provide proof of vaccination
Sign the Visitor’s Log and obtain a Visitor’s Pass that must be displayed during visit.
Proceed to Room 124 (across from our school safety agent’s desk) for directive to visit any other location.